Rainy Outfit, due to London’s rainy weather

RAINY EASTER by claudiafree

Well, For the past couple of weeks London’s weather has been such a roller coaster, I remember when i was coming home from school a couple days before half term,(This is true story) When i left school to go to the dentist, it was nice and sunny and i thought ahh yes finally spring has arrived, then 4 minutes later it went grey and it became really windy, afterwards it started SNOWING. yes SNOWING, in end of MARCH (Actually it was also snowing heavily In April 2 weeks ago!) but then again what do you expect, it is London after all, last time they said we were in drought…..

Does London have a hosepipe ban? No. (c) lloydthompson

When it was raining?….

Moving on.. lol

I found a really nice outfit for the rain on asos fashion finder, and i thought i would share it with you all, for those days when its raining but you still want to look good. I like this outfit because even though it is raining, we are in SPRING and here are the spring colors:

The outfit covers a good combination of the spring colors, and it also keeps you dry!

I hope i have helped you with an idea of what to wear if you need to go out on a rainy day.
